In this final installment about the concept of legal obligation, Dr. Ben Wood Johnson talks about the notion of self-censorship. The individual censors the self. He forces the self to obey the law. The obligation is not intrinsic; it is not innate. Instead, the citizen obligates the self to obey the law for his own sake. Let us listen!
Self-Censorship and Legal Obligation - TBWJP066
Mar 29, 2021
The Ben Wood Johnson Podcast
The Ben Wood Johnson Podcast is the most insightful commentaries about human ontology. It is a place to share ideas, expert analysis, and perspectives about day-to-day philosophy. This podcast features a series of monologues, guest appearances, book reviews, and interviews. Episodes are available bi-weekly. Your host is Dr. Ben Wood Johnson.
The Ben Wood Johnson Podcast is the most insightful commentaries about human ontology. It is a place to share ideas, expert analysis, and perspectives about day-to-day philosophy. This podcast features a series of monologues, guest appearances, book reviews, and interviews. Episodes are available bi-weekly. Your host is Dr. Ben Wood Johnson.Listen on
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